The Force Is Strong In Digital
From today’s perspective, one cannot imagine the emerging of the outsourcing industry without technological advancement and the internet age as of lately. These technological advancements have had a direct impact on the workforce which has gone through different stages, starting from the industrial revolution up to the digital revolution. But the real jump start for […]
Remote Collaboration: Building Trust Through Web Conferencing
It is in our human nature not to trust what we can’t see. And rightly so. Most of our experiences are built primarily through eyesight and touch, and on the other hand, many of our negative experiences, where we have felt betrayed, have not happened in our presence. Therefore, we can firmly assert that trust […]
Are you bootstrapping digital marketing and why you should stop?
“Go digital or go home” is the message from Sarah Goodall, marketing specialist for B2B marketers with 18+ years’ experience in the tech industry. WHY? Simply because the customer journey has changed, the conversion tunnel has been completely turned “upside down” (Figure 1). Don’t believe my word, check the stats. According to GE Capital Retail […]
[INFOGRAPHIC] Virtual graphic design teams for more effective digital marketing
The Digital Economy has changed the way we exchange information and knowledge within organizations, promote our products and interact with our customers. Moreover, customers’ buying decisions are in great manner affected by online research and reviews, particularly on social media channels. According to Google Consumer Surveys, 67% of buying decisions are influenced by online reviews […]
The Visual Aspect of Digital Marketing – more effective graphic design for higher impact
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” This has never been more true, than in today’s digital marketing. Actually it is not digital marketing, but marketing in a digital economy. Your presence, offline and more importantly online, is crucial for recognition of your brand, promotion of your products or services and conversion of leads. And […]
How can you build trust with your virtual team?
When asked about the future of the workforce, Ellyn Shook, the Chief HR Officer of Accenture said: “We are in an era of relentless focus on technology,but true leaders will, in fact, place people first.” One of my first articles here, on LinkedIn, was Technology is not communication. Truth to be told, I did not fully […]
5 signs your business is ready for the digital workforce
Today expansion starts at an early stage and “Born-global” companies are getting more and more attention. However, internationalization increases complexity, particularly if it involves dispersion of business process across several locations. For that reason many smart companies have taken the advantage of the digital era where companies function in a wirearchy of increased collaboration and […]
Here is one proven way to improve your cash flow and save your business
The business arena has become increasingly competitive and businesses more than ever need to find new ways to stay in the game. Managers are compressed to be agile and proactive when making business decisions. At the same time cost pressures are more intense than ever challenging financial departments to keep the cash flow streaming more […]
Accenture and Capgemini leading the Nordic BPO market
Previous articles of mine have talked about the numerous benefits of outsourcing and how to utilize their effect at higher level. However, the real value of every argument made comes to light if and only if it is put into practice. For that reason, this article gives brief overview of seven big outsourcing contracts in […]
Swedish companies and the consensus culture-the good, the ugly and the truth
Swedish start-ups struggle to scale up We are all witnessing the immense success of the Swedish start-up scene. Part of it is attributed to the country’s engineering heritage and digital literacy, while the rest is accredited to the Swedish culture of flat organizations and participative management styles. However, not many talk about the growth struggle of […]
New career paths in the BPO sector and the skills needed for success
In the beginning of this year HfS described scaling up of staff resources as the biggest opportunity for service providers. The reason behind it, they say, is increased complexity of the business landscape which creates opportunities for service growth. And they are right, no question about it. We are living in the period of the […]
Choosing the right partner in life, and in business
Every day is based on deciding between two or more options… Our choices shape our days, our life, they become pure reflection of who we are and who we (pre)tend to be… Our life is filled with career, and life style decisions on daily basis. When it comes to choosing our other half, it gets […]
SSC or outsourcing? You don’t have to choose one!
In the last two decades both Shared Service Centers (SSC) and outsourcing have emerged as an attractive solution for answering the increasing cost pressures and competitiveness on the market. Both options are recognized as enablers of cost reductions and increased efficiency. While the first one offer more control over function implementation and centralized control over […]
[INFOGRAPHIC] New ways of working in the Digital Economy
The increased use of internet together with mobile usage and the development of the cloud technologies have enabled the emergence of the digital economy. The goal is still the same: work as effective and efficient as possible, have an impeccable communication with your customers, create high-quality products and services, aim for high profit margins and […]
Cloud-enabled collaboration: Insight from the Swedish market
Sweden today is the home of the most innovative start-ups with 6.3 billion-dollar tech companies per million people. Moreover, it has attracted more VC relative to its economic size than any of its European neighbours over the past five years. Sweden has actually taken in almost a fifth of all venture capital invested in the […]
How to successfully manage distributed teams?
In a world of global competition it comes as no surprise that we also need a global workforce. The concept of hierarchy is long forgotten and more collaborative environments are created embracing the changes on the market. Companies are fast transforming their business into digital leveraging social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies to stay competitive. […]
What is the most important thing for business success?
In a rapidly-changing world with intensified competition coming from every corner of the world and highly demanding customers, having a great idea, even a great product or service is simply not enough! In a world of constant change, only constant innovation is the answer! If you do not react on time, someone will take your […]
Swedish “FIKA” in the digital workplace
Swedish people are focused and efficient while working, but value quality time with their family, friends and co-workers just as much. They demand quality and do not settle for less. They are big on gender equality and work-family balance. “FIKA” (pronounced “fee-ka”) is accompanied with (again) good quality coffee and sweets. “FIKA is a social […]
Big is out, global is in – The case for Born Global
Benefits of globalization The last two articles were a series on Sweden and its start-ups potential. Great part of the success was contributed to Swedish entrepreneurs’ global outlook from the early founding of their companies. Namely, tech-companies from Sweden have developed products and services for the global consumer rather than tailoring for the local market. […]
Sweden – the Silicon Valley of Europe – part II: Focus on what matters
Starting from scratch, leaving the security of your paid job to start your own business takes courage, takes boldness and huge sacrifice. Growing up in a family where both parents are self-employed has spiked my curiosity in the area of entrepreneurship. From one side, it triggered interest in the trials and tribulations they face and […]
Sweden – The Silicon Valley of Europe
Start-ups have been my area of interest ever since I took my first class in Small Business Management (SBM). The interest grew stronger throughout my education and practical experience and last January I published my first book on SME Start-ups prior and after the financial crisis. What I found interesting was that Sweden and Luxembourg […]
What do “Game of Thrones” and the outsourcing industry have in common?
The news that the next season of Game of Thrones might be filmed in Macedonia has flooded my FB homepage. This fantasy drama has somehow invaded every conversation I have had these two weeks with friends, colleagues and even family. Although, our history has little in common with the people of the Seven Kingdoms, people […]
Benefits of outsourcing and how to achieve them
On the web there are many sources talking about the benefits of outsourcing and just as many on outsourcing disadvantages, risks and possible pitfalls. Some organizations are proud to say that by outsourcing their back office have escaped tight margins and avoid long inefficient decentralized and complex procedures. The benefits they have realized go beyond […]
The new wave of outsourcing destinations rich with talent
The maturation of the outsourcing industry accompanied with recent technological developments has resulted in major diversification of services. The demand has shifted from cost-driven to higher value creation services. In previous articles we have talked about the trends which are transforming this industry and initiating expansion of the scope of services. However, what is even […]
Why SEE is the next hot spot for outsourcing?
Business is done differently today and outsourcing is no longer the pink elephant in the room. Large companies are centralizing activities in Shared Service Centres, while small businesses are more often using the services of outsourcing companies in locations with better labour arbitrage. Short History of Outsourcing Initially companies started with relocating production sites to […]
Employees’ skills crucial for successful outsourcing
Living in a challenging economy like this one requires special “survival skills”. Every industry faces challenges, and the shared services and outsourcing (SSO) sector is no exception. Moreover, change has become the only constant in business exerting even greater pressure on service providers for constant improvement. Previous articles addressed the biggest trends disrupting the SSO […]
Analytics journey in the Shared Services and Outsourcing industry
“Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making it is a burden, not a benefit” – William Pollard The advances in technology together with the development of the internet have enabled free flow of information. But, the volume […]
The Digital Revolution is here
Actually it has been here for a while and it is here to stay. Ever since Apple and Google, the leading companies shaping the digital eco-system, edged out Coca-Cola as the top brand in 2000, the message has been more than clear. Going digital is not an option, is a necessity! Digital Revolution is transforming […]
Maximize client’s value through service delivery optimization
Lately, change has been the single constant in business, especially in the Shared services (SS) and outsourcing industry. Everyone has been talking about the new trends shifting both, the demand and supply side in this sector. The globalization and increased competitiveness have only emphasized the need for constant improvement and transformation of the business. The […]
Wind of change in the shared services and outsourcing industry
What do you see on the horizon? – I asked in a recent article referring to people’s own career aspirations in the outsourcing industry, but I also stressed the importance of the company’s vision for the future. Now I ask…. What do we see on the horizon for the outsourcing industry? According to KPMG research[1] […]
B2B Relationship building in outsourcing
Relationships are the “make or break” in every business partnerships. Here I will talk about outsourcing partnerships drawing from the experience of my team. Nonetheless, the same advices are applicable in multiple situations for building effective B2B relationships with minor modifications. The importance is to set “the right scene”: The right tone In outsourcing projects, […]
Communication in outsourcing projects
The previous article stressed the importance of effective communication. We saw that gaps in the communication process derail the project goals resulting in missed deadlines, under optimized results and unplanned expanses. To prevent such unpleasant surprises each company, manager and team should carefully plan the communication process and channels. From experience, my team has pinpoint […]
Technology IS NOT communication
Connecting, but not communicating!? I always get annoyed when people are on their phones while out with friends. It seems like these little gadgets always have priority. Although, made to enable interaction, at times I think they only drive people further apart. With the explosion of media and cross channel communication we can reach anyone, […]
Business Support Centers – SMEs “right hand man”
Intensified competition and saturated markets pressure SMEs to internationalize The volatile post-crisis environment has put excessive pressure on SMEs to increase their operational and transactional efficiency simultaneously reducing costs. Moreover, the saturated markets have compelled SMEs to turn towards emerging markets which offer better growth opportunities. Although majority of SMEs depend on the domestic demand, […]