Grow with us!

A leading Nordic outsourcing company where businesses and professionals grow together.

who we are

Coordea is an outsourcing company widely recognized in the Nordic market for its unique Extended Office Model. The company prides itself on being a trusted remote workforce partner to a number of prominent companies in the Nordic market since 2009.

To provide a remote workforce packed with a rich skillset, our offices in the Balkans are continuously expanding. Our talent pool is strongly dedicated to supporting our growing network of clients in the fields of economy, marketing, logistics, sales, graphic design, IT and other areas of expertise based on their needs.

Having the vision to position ourselves as a leading outsourcing company in the Nordics, Coordea’s mission is to continue driving value to our clients by scaling their business, optimizing their workflow, and surpassing their own expectations and objectives.

At Coordea, we believe in not just meeting but surpassing client expectations and redefining outsourcing excellence in the Nordic market. We strive to achieve that by recruiting some of the most brilliant professionals in the Balkan region, investing in their skills and career paths, boosting their performance with the most up-to-date technology assets, and nurturing an agile and growth-oriented company culture. 

Areas of remote workforce
services often requested


Accounts payable, billing and accounts receivable, financial statement preparation...

Graphic Design

Product design, product and seasonal catalogues, magazines, corporate...


Web, mobile & software development, database administration, QA & testing...


Digital marketing, content marketing, SEO, email marketing, digital advertising...


Inside sales, lead generation, prospecting, qualification, registration, account...


Import/export custom clearance, coordination and monitoring supply ...



Wallingatan 37 NB,

111 24 Stockholm, Sweden

P: +46 (0) 8 122 910 68

Office representative:

Svetozar Serafimovski

Ilindenska no.2-2/1 GTC-Aneks,

1200 Tetovo, Macedonia,

P: +389 (0) 44 37 77 29

P: +389 (0) 44 33 52 21

Office representative:

Zoran Ilikj

Maksim Gorki no. 13,

1000 Skopje, Macedonia

P: +389 (0) 2 322 33 24

Office representative:

Zoran Ilikj

Workery East, Pasilan asema-aukio 1, 00520,

Helsinki, Finland

P: +358 201 983 460

Office Representative:

Mikko Virmasalo